Pastor Ray’s thoughts on issues in the church and contemporary culture.
Legalism or The Lord?
In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul, by the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, shows how the letter of the law is superseded by the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul makes the comparison that, if the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the...
Active Faith And A Healthy Body
No doubt, Paul was a wonderful servant of the Lord Jesus. However, even Paul learned the valuable lesson that no child of God can ever walk with Jesus effectively as a "lone ranger". We find in Acts 20:4 that other ìliving stones accompanied Paul on his journeys. At...
Who Touched Me?
One of the sweetest episodes in the life of Jesus is found in His encounter with the woman who was bound by a hemorrhaging problem for twelve years. Can you imagine how horrible this poor woman must have felt in her culture? That physical condition would isolate her...
Holy Ground
The absence of holiness in the life of the church has caused the church to be irrelevant in its call to reach the world for Christ.
Did Adam And Eve Live Together?
If any couple were justified in living together, it certainly would have been Adam and Eve. After all, there were no other options. Also, they didn’t know about adultery or fornication because those sins didn’t exist yet. Thirdly, they were in the truest sense ‘made...
The Testimony of the Saints
The truth of God is under attack in our nation. We are being told today that there is no absolute truth. The moral condition of today’s society is that everyone is doing that which is right in his or her own eyes. In their determination for self rule, they are bent on attacking the truth of Scripture.
Excellent Things
Many Christians fall prey to the snare of boredom in their walk with Jesus Christ because they are feasting on the junk food of TV and a number of other things that may be lawful, but certainly do not edify.
By the Book or From the Heart?
The church today is filled with religious Pharisees who can discern who is wrong but it all stems from their mind, not their heart.
Separated, Not "Relevant"
When the church ceases to be different than the world, we lose our salt and become ineffective ambassadors of the gospel.
The Pharisee in the Temple
Beloved, when we are engaging in self-righteous, judgmental attitudes towards someone else in church, our “prayers and worship” are going no farther than the ceiling.
In Ecclesiastes 7:14 we are told, In the day of adversity consider. You can look up the word adversity for yourself in a Strong's Concordance under #7451 (in the Hebrew) and you'll quickly see that it is not referring to a picnic in the park. We've all felt, to some...
Out Of Control
The Bible teaches us that in the last days mankind will be full of distress and perplexity. The word perplexity comes from a Greek word meaning no way out. In other words, things will be out of control. Things get out of control when they operate in opposition to...
For Those Who Are Thirsty
What happens when we go to the wells of salvation tired and thirsty and even desperate at times? What happens when we draw up the cool water and put our face in it? We are refreshed.
Strange Obedience
Sometimes our lifestyle is to display that we are walking in what the world would call “strange obedience” to Jesus.
I Am The Greatest!
When I was younger there was a famous heavyweight boxer who proclaimed, I am the greatest! Typically, that's the spirit of the world we live in. Looking out for self, indulging self, promoting self, etc. How contrary to the message of Jesus! Jesus tells us that for...
The Lord God Almighty Reigns!
Psalm 97:1 The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. 1 Chronicles 16:31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth. These 3 words, “The Lord reigns”, are the...
A Better Way
One evening I was watching a Gayle Erwin video on the nature of Jesus. In that particular section he was pointing out things that our modern church has that the early church didn't have. Likewise, he listed things that we both have in common. Think that through in...
Forbearing One Another in Love
Our faith in The Lord Jesus Christ is a relational faith. It is a relation that is first and foremost with God. But it is also a relation with one another. Jesus was asked the question, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt...
Who Is Running This Planet?
There are always divine strings attached between the purposes of God and the affairs of men on earth. Sin is insane, and our planet has gone mad. At the end of the day, our only refuge is in the fact that God rules. He is neither Democrat nor Republican or Libertarian.
I'm convinced more than ever that Satan's fuel in the believer's life is excuses. Now that might seem a bit harsh at first but think this through with me. Proverbs 26:13 talks about making excuses. The individual here mentions the presence of a lion in the street...
God's Water Supply for His People
The Spirit of God, like a river of life, flows continually towards us in these perilous times. No enemy or act of Congress can cut off this stream of living water from the body of Christ.
Continue in the Faith
Do not swerve from reading, preaching and living out the Scriptures. Do not follow the winds of doctrine or current spiritual trends that blow in and out of the church.
Harmless as Doves
God commands His children to be sheep in the midst of wolves, as people who are harmless as doves. But when sheep and doves are anointed by The Spirit of God and speaking the truth in love, they are considered to be a threat to fallen man’s ways of thinking and living.
Christian Bullies
Christian bullies are assisting the devil in devouring their brothers and sisters whenever they launch out with unkind or unloving words or actions.
True Encounters with God
If the church is going to do the work that Christ has called us to do and if the church is going to be holy as our God is holy, then the church will need a true encounter with The Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, show us your glory! Let us not be content reading about it.
The Litmus Test for Giving
It is not possible to give anything to God for the simple reason that God owns everything. It is also not possible to deceive God. The Lord knows exactly who is giving willingly out of true devotion to Him and who is giving just to be seen by others.
The Proper Focus
With so many evangelical voices today, it can become quite confusing in determining how God intends me to respond. We have (and deeply need) ministries that zero in on families, prayer, singles, prisons, the unsaved, discipleship, and so forth. Each one is indeed both...
The Faith To Stand Alone
Jesus Christ has set before us two invitations in Scripture. The first is the call to salvation, Come to Me. The objective of God the Holy Ghost is to make you and me disciples of Jesus Christ. We are to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, imitate Him, think like Him. If we...
Repentance and Rehabilitation
We are a drug addicted society. Drug addiction is a scourge that is affecting millions of Americans. Is this a medical issue, or a sin issue?
Responding To God – Not Reacting To Current Events
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. We Christians certainly live in very exciting times. The...