
Pastor Ray’s thoughts on issues in the church and contemporary culture.

The Danger Of Unholy Mixture

It is human nature to want to fit in. Nobody wants to be labeled as strange or weird. The flesh will always seek to compromise in order to “keep the peace.” But as Bible-believing Christians we need to realize that compromise and peace do not even exist in the same...

Statistics or a Scripture?

Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?I was reading an article regarding church growth the other day. It is a template used by megachurch planters that is a formula for...

Let’s Plant A Garden

Scripture uses nature to teach us many lessons. For example, Christians are likened to farmers. Some plant, some water but it is “God who gives the increase.” What a challenge! You and I can be implements used in the Lord’s garden. And for each task there is a season....


The Scriptures reveal our God as Deliverer. David declared this (2 Sam 22:2); so did Paul (Rom 11:26). The only message in the entire universe that frees sinful, fallen man is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We, as Christians, need to cling to this liberty that Jesus...

Faithful Fatherhood

Our generation has seen the entrance of the backseat, passive father. Sad to say, even today’s father’s alleged “involvement” in their children’s lives are only in areas where dad gets blessed. What does God expect a godly father and husband to be like? Simply put...

Feeding On The Word

For one whole year, Barnabas and Saul spent time with the saints in Antioch teaching them the Word of God. (Acts 11:22-26) To “feed sheep” is what Jesus commanded Peter to do. This same exhortation is what Peter was commanded to write by God the Holy Spirit. This is...


Scripture tells us that Barnabas was a man of encouragement. (Acts 4:36) There possibly has never been a time in either the history of mankind or the church when the gift of encouragement has been more needed. To encourage means “to give courage, hope, or confidence...

Follow Me

Isn’t it interesting how we can turn aside from the simplest commands into confusion? For example, the singular call of Jesus to His disciples is to “Follow Me.” Those words are a call from Jesus to come near to Him, and, in doing so, to learn from Him. In other...

Taking A Stand For Jesus

Stephen, the first Christian martyr, died because he took a stand for Jesus. His death wasn’t in vain. I believe that his demeanor at the time of his departure planted an indelible impression upon the mind and the heart of Saul of Tarsus, who would become the apostle...

Legalism: A Perspective

It truly frustrates me when I hear religious terms thrown around, but am left hanging as to what they are supposed to mean. One of those terms is “legalism”. Now, I can only give you my perspective of what legalism is. As I search the Scriptures, it appears to me that...

The ‘Rupture’ Of The Church

No, this is not a new doctrine. This is more of a phenomenon. It’s kind of like the ‘strange vanishings’ published by Time-Life books. While I suspect those vanishings are myths and untrue, the ‘rupture’ of the church is sadly both real and true. All over our country,...

The Word Of Faith

A very fundamental principle of Biblical interpretation is that the meaning of a passage is determined by its immediate context. Today, there is a “Word of Faith” movement. Does the Bible refer to such a thing? It sure does. It can be found in Romans 10:8. In what...

The Value Of Fasting

If we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, He will lift us up. One way that we humble ourselves is by fasting. David said, “I humbled my soul with fasting”. Our bodily appetites are so demanding. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak. Realizing the...

A Double Portion

2 Kings 2:9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power,...

The Ministry Of A Priest

Four times in Exodus 28 the Lord states that Aaron and his sons are to “minister unto Me in the priests’ office”. This entire chapter focuses on the garments they were to wear as priests, which set them apart from the rest of the people. It’s also significant that in...

His Glorious Light

Among the many contrasts found in Scripture we find one repeatedly surfacing, and that is light and darkness. As early as Genesis 1:4 we find God calling light good and then separating the light from the darkness. It was foretold that people who sat in darkness would...

Praise – The Fruit Of Worshipful Living

Worship is mentioned initially in Scripture in Genesis 22:5 when Abraham is taking Isaac up to Mt. Moriah. Interestingly enough, worship and sacrifice go hand-in-hand. The last Biblical reference to worship is found in Revelation 22:9 where we are told to worship God....

The Three-Fold Cord

“… And a three-fold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12) In Ephesians 5, we find a beautiful picture of a Christian marriage. One man and one woman, filled with the Holy Spirit, “submitting to one another in the fear of God.” Thus, if we are encountering...

Quench Not The Spirit

The title of this post comes from 1 Thess 5:19. When I read that passage the other day, I ‘flashed’ on another verse, Gal 5:22, where we find that the fruit of God’s Spirit is love. When we act, think, or speak in an unloving fashion, the Holy Spirit is quenched. I...


No Christian has been saved to remain an island unto himself or herself. The Lord has work for each and every believer. Misdirected service can be very taxing. A proper understanding of your motivational and spiritual gift or gifts is certainly helpful. Generally...

The Folly Of Evolution

Despite all of the alleged scientific language hype we hear today, the theory of evolution (which really isn’t scientific) is only an excuse for man not to believe in the existence of God. In a nutshell, evolution teaches that matter working with matter over billions...

Hope – What The World Needs Now

War in the Middle East, drug overdoses and alcoholism on the rise, pornography everywhere …..certainly our world is in a state of perplexity. Mankind is looking for answers. Is there any hope for mankind? The Bible says that there is. 1 Timothy 1:1 tells us that Jesus...

Sleep – A Blessing And A Curse

The Bible tells us that God gives to His beloved sleep. It is a great source of peace to know that as disciples of Jesus Christ, we can be assured of His protection while we are asleep. Because Christ doesn’t sleep, He will watch over our households. How important it...

Witnesses, not Attorney’s

Acts 1.8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Let’s set the record straight beloved. The proclamation...

Walking In Oneness

As we continue our study regarding our oneness in Christ, we can never underscore enough that our oneness is really only in Christ. In a day and age when many men strive to “make a name” for themselves, you and I find both our oneness and individual identity in the...

The Body Of Christ

The church is called, among other things, the body of Christ. Just as we have one body, there is only one body of Christ. The body of Christ, though one body, has many members. We must never lose sight of that Biblical truth. This body, the Church, is the bride for...

The Church As The Body Of Christ

The body of Christ, the church, is likened in Scripture to the human body; and just as every part of our physical body (seen and unseen) has to be working together to insure good health and optimum function, such holds true in the church. The church is not as healthy...

Labor In Rest

Labor In Rest - Now if that doesn’t sound like a contradiction in terms! But it’s Biblical. In Hebrews 4:11 we’re exhorted to “be diligent” or “labor” to enter into the rest of God’s salvation. In fact, Jesus told the people who followed Him: “Do not labor for the...

Counting on the Lord

Each one of us can count on the LORD to supply the strength we need day by day.  Therefore, let us walk upon those high places of worship and fellowship with the Lord each and every day. The Bible tells us what the last days will be like on earth, and we certainly can...