January 17, 2025

In our study today, the very same religious crowds who tried and crucified the Lord Jesus Christ were coming after the apostles Peter and John. The reason? They were grieved that they taught the people, and preached of the resurrection from the dead through Jesus. Yet...

January 16, 2025

What we see happening now in the nation of Israel is but a foretaste of the restitution or restoration of all things that God promised to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through His many prophets. God’s word is true. Be ready for Jesus’ soon return! Believe His...

January 15, 2025

Three words capture benefits of the redemption through Jesus Christ: repentance, refreshment, and restitution. The atoning work of Jesus opened the door of repentance to all. That redemption is the first fruit of the times of refreshing that comes from the Lord’s...

January 14, 2025

After Pentecost, God added to the church daily through the witness of Spirit-filled followers of Jesus. How did these brand-new Christians live? They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and in fellowship. They continued daily with one accord in the temple,...

January 13, 2025

When people hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there are only two responses. Believing and receiving the Gospel results in eternal salvation. Any other response is a rejection of the Gospel, and, until one repents of their sins and believes that Jesus is the risen...