Baby Or Lord?

For too many people, Christmas simply means the baby Jesus in a manger.  This same Jesus, however, is known by numerous other titles, some of which are the following, Jesus is:  Shiloh, Passover Lamb, Captain of the Lord’s Host, Kinsman Redeemer (pictured by...

To Those Who Overcome

1 John 5:5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? In our Christmas series entitled “The King is Coming” The Coming King, each church is given a different promise from The King, Jesus Christ. However, each promise is...

Emmanuel, God With Us

Chances are that many of you here this morning and reading this devotional do not feel like God is with you. Beloved, may I kindly say this to you. Do not let your feelings (for whatever reason) defy the truth of Holy Scripture. This name of Jesus is slowly becoming...

Christmas Is A Message Of Adoption

How sad that in a ‘Christian’ nation, the heavenly purpose of Christ’s birth is often overshadowed by veiled references to God or ‘Seasons Greetings’. (What does that mean?) Jesus came to crush the head of Satan, the number one enemy of...

Christmas Or Incarnation?

I have a button that says, “Keep Christ in Christmas”.  Pondering the up-coming holiday season, I became saddened at how secularized Christmas has become.  For some, keeping Christ in Christmas may mean nothing more than including Him with Santa Claus,...