How sad that in a ‘Christian’ nation, the heavenly purpose of Christ’s birth is often overshadowed by veiled references to God or ‘Seasons Greetings’. (What does that mean?) Jesus came to crush the head of Satan, the number one enemy of man on Jehovah God’s terrorist list. Jesus came to pay the price for the sin of the world. He also came to purchase the precious souls of whomever believes on His holy name.

Our sonship is all of grace by faith in Jesus Christ. Every soul that has looked to the Messiah Jesus is a part of heaven’s family. Each believer has been adopted by God through Christ, whereby we call Him, ‘Abba, Father!’

To miss the message of adoption during the Christmas season, is to miss the true meaning of the Incarnation. God’s gift to man is eternal life through Jesus Christ. All praise, glory, and honor be to our glorious Savior and Lord Jesus who has reconciled us to the Father, and in doing so has enabled us to be forever accepted.