1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

I remember singing the chorus when I first came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ: “Rise up O men of God, Have done with lesser things, Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings, To serve the King of Kings.” I believe that those lyrics are the cry our Heavenly Father to every man here today. Single or married, old or young, one of the most critical needs in our church family and in the body of Christ at large is for men to be men of God. Men who lead their family by example. Men who fear God. Men of conviction. Men of prayer. Men who lead their family according to God’s will and word, not their subjective feelings or the feelings of others.

One would have to be willfully blind to not see that the very biblical foundations of divine order in a marriage and in the home are not only under serious attack, they have almost disappeared! Why? Because men, as fathers and husbands have forsaken their God-given post for any number of reasons and surrendered that role to their wives, their children, or the “acceptable” standards of society. Brothers in Jesus Christ, today I am sounding a clarion call to myself and to every man here: Rise up and take that role of manhood that your wife and your family needs. Remember, brothers, our God has both commanded and empowered us to take that role. He Who calls us to it, will empower us to do it! Blessed is the man that fears The Lord and walks in His ways (Psalm 128:1). Selah