There is a real personage known as the devil. His name means ‘Destruction’ (‘Abaddon’), or ‘Destroyer’ (‘Apollyon’). Jesus described him as a thief who comes ‘to steal, and to kill, and to destroy’. He also stated that the devil is a murderer and liar, and the father of these sinful activities. The devil is deceptive and crafty, cunning, and accusatory. However, he was defeated at the cross by Jesus Christ! Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.

Saints, until that final death blow is dealt to Satan, you and I must be prepared for and expect spiritual warfare as a normal part of our Christian experience. For this war, God has provided us with His holy armor for protection and combat. Part of that armor is the word of God. Whenever we stand upon Scripture in the face of the enemy, victory is assured.

When David faced Goliath, he knew that the battle was the Lord’s. You see, in and of ourselves none of us are able to handle any Goliath. It is only as we abide in Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit that we can have victory. God grants us victory through faith in Him.

Saints, we need to be soldiers for Christ, fighting each battle with our eyes on Him. Read the back of the book – we win!!