As we read in Acts 1, to wait for the “power from on high”, the disciples prayed. The lesson here is that the praying person or church is the one that walks in the power of the Holy Spirit. When told to wait for the promise of the Spirit they prayed.

The most effective way to wait for any promise of God is in prayer. This renews spiritual strength and prevents fainting as well. Prayer is directed to our Heavenly Father alone. It is personal, yet powerful. This access to God through Jesus enables us to “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” How powerful prayer is!

The pattern for the church, whether it be for evangelism of the lost or the edification of the saints, is rooted in prayer. You see, prayer is the language of faith; it’s the language of dependency upon Jesus for everything. A journey through the Book of Acts reveals no less than  references to praying or prayer. Therein lies the key to their growth and the miracles that took place.

Saints, we are no less the Church than they were! They weren’t “Superman” and “ Wonder Woman”. They were as human as we are. They experienced hypocrisy, internal problems about perceived partiality, attempted enemy invasion, loss of members, disputes about doctrine and personal ministry choices, prison ministry … Whew! What kept them energized? Prayer. Note, they prayed together, seeking the Lord‘s will and glory.

Is Pentecost for today? Well, is prayer for today? Prayer preceded Pentecost, but Pentecost preceded the Spirit-filled church. Many together praying. Lord Jesus, teach us to pray!