April 12, 2024

Are you trusting in good works or some religious system to atone for your sin and to save you from eternal damnation? Do not be deceived, it is only through the blood of Jesus and God’s grace that one can be saved. If you haven’t done so already, look unto Jesus, Who...

For Those Who Fail

The Bible is full of episodes of godly men and women who have failed. Past failures can really do a number on your mind. Can you imagine how David felt when he sinned with Bathsheba and then implemented his ‘cover-up’ plan? How do you think the apostle Paul dealt with...

April 11, 2024

Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. When Jesus cried, “It is finished,” from the cross, it was a cry of victory, because the debt for all sin had been paid in full. When He made that declaration, God tore the veil in the Temple from...

April 10, 2024

The only way that fallen man can be saved is by the grace of God. Fallen men cannot save themselves. Therein lies the difference between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and every other religious system. Salvation is the free gift of God, period. Because it is a gift, it...