Christmas Or Incarnation?

I have a button that says, “Keep Christ in Christmas”.  Pondering the up-coming holiday season, I became saddened at how secularized Christmas has become.  For some, keeping Christ in Christmas may mean nothing more than including Him with Santa Claus,...

Christ is Christmas

We just celebrated the first coming of Jesus at Christmas. Let’s not forget that Jesus is coming again. And may we never forget that man’s salvation was not man’s idea! From the beginning of human history, God alluded to the redemptive work of the Lamb of God....

Christmas Or Incarnation?

I have a button that says, “Keep Christ in Christmas”.  Pondering the up-coming holiday season, I became saddened at how secularized Christmas has become.  For some, keeping Christ in Christmas may mean nothing more than including Him with Santa Claus,...

Baby Or Lord?

For too many people, Christmas simply means the baby Jesus in a manger.  This same Jesus, however, is known by numerous other titles, some of which are the following, Jesus is:  Shiloh, Passover Lamb, Captain of the Lord’s Host, Kinsman Redeemer (pictured by...

I Have Set My King in Zion

In our study this morning, we learn that the Father has set Jesus Christ as King upon His holy hill. He is a king who is to be cherished. A king who is to be adored. A king who is our Redeemer. But The Psalmist begins with a question, “Why do the nations rage?” Why is...

The Care of God Our Father

Matthew 6:9  After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. There is an old hymn that says, “How strong and sweet my Father’s care, that round about me like the air is with me always everywhere; He cares for me.” On this day...