We just celebrated the first coming of Jesus at Christmas. Let’s not forget that Jesus is coming again. And may we never forget that man’s salvation was not man’s idea! From the beginning of human history, God alluded to the redemptive work of the Lamb of God. His birth would be miraculous. God would be born a man, given to us as a gift from our Heavenly Father.

Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, ‘God with us’ How long will He be with us? Jesus said, ‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age’ ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’ are also the words of the Lord to us. What a glorious gospel we have been given!

The child Jesus was born to die, that I might live! Christmas is about life. Christmas is about God’s gift to mankind, eternal life, promised before the world began. Christmas is about God’s grace through Jesus Christ that justifies the repentant sinner who calls upon the name of Jesus to wash away his sins. In this way we entered into personal fellowship with the Lord. Therefore, we indeed celebrate God’s ‘indescribable gift!’

As we begin a new year, behold afresh God’s wonderful gift – Jesus. Have you received Him? Are you following Him? If not, ‘unwrap’ this Gift today. The worship of this Christmas Gift will last forever in the Kingdom of God.