A daily word of encouragement, exhortation and edification, drawn from the Scriptures.
True Freedom
Today we celebrate our freedom as a nation. Our history is filled with heroic acts of men and women who have laid down their lives for our freedom. How thankful we are for such sacrifices that have been made, and are presently being made, in order that our freedom can...
The Goodness Of God
How do you react to the blessings of God in another person’s life? Do you get upset, hurt, envious, angry at God? Or do you react with joy and praise to our Lord Jesus? He asked: “Is it not lawful for Me to do what I wish with My own things? Or is your eye evil...
Giving Our First Fruits
The divine purpose of each body is to use their God-given talents to bless others and bring Him glory. I believe that we should keep that in mind as we "go to church". It is so easy to fall into the rut of the familiar, isn't it? When I look at the various sections of...
Being Meek
When we look into the biblical meaning of the word meek, it is important to understand that it does not mean weak. The fact that Jesus’ personal profile is that He is meek (gentle) and lowly of heart (Matthew 11:29, 21:5) should dispel the misconception that meek...
The Parable of the Sower
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. In the foundational parable of the sower taught by Jesus in Mark chapter 4, we discover that hearing God’s Word and bearing fruit is relative to the stewardship of our hearts. It is...
Who Are You Following?
Remember the game “Follow the Leader”? Have you ever heard the saying, “Monkey see, monkey do”? I am sure the answer to both questions are yes. There are small rodents in Norway called lemmings. Apparently, they are so devoted to their pack-mates and leader that if...
The Counsel Of His Own Will
Scripture tells us that God works all things after the counsel of His own will. In laymen's terms, that means that our God is on His throne and in control of everything. When we couple the sovereignty of God with the nature of God, we find tremendous comfort. Jesus...
Worlds In Collision
I still remember watching a sci-fi movie as a little boy by the title of “When Worlds Collide”. Strangely enough, that reminded me of how the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world are forever in conflict. One is light, the other darkness. One is the way of...
Chosen By God
To be chosen by God is quite an incredible thing, because it means that the Lord made a choice to make us His very own. We are chosen to be a royal priesthood, a holy priesthood. Each and every child of God is chosen to be a priest of the Lord. This call of God is a...
Are you Listening?
As soon as He was alone, His followers, along with the twelve, began asking Him about the parables. And He was saying to them, “To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables, so that while seeing, they...
Upright Living
“Shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.” The Hebrew root of the English word “upright” means straight, even, or right. Webster’s Dictionary defines upright as a strict adherence to moral principles. As followers of Jesus we, above all people, are to be...
Cleansing … It’s An Inside Job
It is significant to note that in the days of Hezekiah’s reformation (2 Chron 29:1-5), they began the cleansing of the house of the Lord in the inner part. Before there can be any pure work of God accomplished, our inner man must be cleansed. Paul writes about...
The Answer
Does being a Christian eliminate frustration, disappointment, and difficulties in this life? In the sense that we see their existence as temporal, yes, praise Jesus! And we know that they will be completely done away with in the future. However, the fact of life is...
Let’s talk about prayer. “What is prayer?” some ask. Basically, prayer is communication between God and man; a two-way conversation. Prayer is not a particular bodily posture. It’s not always done with folded hands and closed eyes. (I like to pray when I jog or ride...
The Promises Of God
It’s fascinating to examine the Scriptures and unwrap God’s promises to us. God’s love and perfect will are at the core of each and every promise. Of course, the sureness of any promise can only be measured by the one making it. As mortal beings we, despite our best...
Feelings – Friend Or Foe?
At every Italian wedding I’ve attended (which is plenty!), inevitably the celebration builds to a point when a popular song comes over the P.A. system. The song is called, “Feelings”. What about feelings? Sometimes they’re expressed as goose bumps or tears, but can we...
Position Versus Condition
Every disciple of Jesus Christ that I know of wrestles at times with his or her position in Christ while struggling with their current condition. Every believer is a member of the body of Christ. We enter into that position the moment we trust in Jesus as our Savior....
Did you ever meet a person with a lot of Bible knowledge and yet an edge in their character as rough as sandpaper? I have. I’m sure that I’ve even been that person more often than I would like to admit. Is it possible to become such a stickler for truth that one can...
Communion Deliberation
After Adam and Eve “fell” in the Garden of Eden, spiritual death occurred. To cover their nakedness they sewed fig leaves together. This was man’s first attempt to cover his sinful condition by the works of his own hands. The loving Lord God, however, replaced those...
When Praise Is Perverted
Judas Iscariot is known in Scripture as the traitor. The various possible renderings of this verse also allow the meaning that he became a traitor. The root of the name Judas can be traced to another name, Jude, which means “to praise”. Saints, when praise is...
Rejoice In The Lord
Over the past few weeks, I have been impressed to share the joy of the Lord with others. We can get so bogged down with life’s struggles that we miss the joy of the Lord. Joy is found in being a child of God, not in ministry success, and certainly not in our trials....
Application, not Apathy
James writes that we are to be doers of God’s Word, not just hearers. Head knowledge apart from heart application can result in pride and a calloused or hard heart. By failing to apply God’s truth, we are building our lives upon sand and not rock. Continued refusal to...
The Gift Of Comforting
So often we associate words with the wrong meaning. This holds true with the topic of comfort. When I think of comfort my mind begins to play a tape of leisure, ease and abundance. However, when God speaks of comfort, what does He mean? After all, God’s definition of...
Be Patient
I find that between being hyperactive and living in the ‘microwave generation,’ being patient is not the easiest thing to do. Isn’t it funny that we often accuse God of having poor timing? I mean, we just know that the Lord has fouled up this time, don’t we? Yet, time...
Possible Or Impossible?
Oftentimes we Christians in casual conversation speak words that convey our lack of faith in the Lord. We communicate doubt, excuses, and downright displeasure with what He’s doing in our lives. We also talk about God as if He were a mere mortal like ourselves. We say...
Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit
Mark 3:28-30 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Because they...
Eternal Life – A Gift Or A Reward?
With regards to evangelism it is vital for Christians to understand that an unsaved person’s only defense is a system of works or performance, based on a comparison with others. For example, a family member, when presented the gospel, may cite areas in your life where...
I’ve Had It!
When God saw the extent of the wickedness of man in the days of Noah, He essentially declared, “I’ve had it!” Man’s unchecked flesh had thoroughly corrupted his way upon earth, which had a devastating effect upon the entire planet and all that lived on it. Mankind’s...
The Scriptures reveal our God as Deliverer. David recorded this;(2 Sam 22:1,2) so did Paul(Rom 11:26). The only message in the entire universe that frees sinful, fallen man is the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Christians we need to cling to this liberty that Jesus Christ...
Instruction – A Forgotten Need
The Hebrew word for instruction means correction resulting in education. The word also carries the thought of discipline or chastisement. We must not forget that God’s Word is given “for doctrine, reproof, correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of...
Flashlight or Floodlight?
Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. In the design of God, every part of the body of Christ has a distinct expression of light, which is...