Have Faith In God

This exhortation from the lips of Jesus is found in Mark 11:22. Don’t speed read the passage – read it again prayerfully, slowly. This is God the Son speaking, not only to Peter, but to you and me. No matter what crisis you may be in today, have faith in God....

April 23, 2024

Jesus, the One who loves us and washes us in His blood, is the One about Whom the Apostle John wrote in his book called The Revelation of Jesus Christ. While God reveals Himself throughout all of Scripture, it is especially true in the last book of the New Testament....

Cultivating a Culture of Prayer

Acts 2:42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. The desire of Jesus Christ for His church is that we cultivate a culture of praying together that is based on His promises, and not on our...

April 22, 2024

When you are on a road trip, you encounter street signs and exit signs that point you in the direction you should go. As you near your destination, you see signs that confirm that you are getting closer. How are we to interpret signs that we’re seeing in the world...

In God’s Presence

When Peter and John stood before the Council in Acts 4, these religious leaders “took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” This statement, if overlooked, cites a misconception that prevails in the minds of believers and non-believers alike. Note, to the...