Paul couldn’t make it clearer than he did in Romans chapter 7: Until we get our new bodies and go to be with Jesus, there is going to be a vicious battle against temptation and fleshly lusts. This is known as the flesh and Spirit conflict.

Temptation is something that we all have in common. Paul tells us that we are to refuse giving in to these fleshly lusts. Jesus tells us that the battle is won or lost in our hearts. These lusts are corrupting and deceitful. They rob a Christian of joy and peace. They destroy fellowship, marriages, and ministries.

Though the devil is the tempter, who seeks “those whom he may devour”, we can never blame him for our sin. Our victory in this battle lies in a firm commitment to Jesus Christ and in a readiness to face this combat every single day at any given moment.

These fleshly lusts are nothing to mess with, saints. Whether you give in to your flesh or resist it, there will be a price to pay. Choose to win! Choose, “It is written”. Look to Jesus in the heat of the battle and by faith walk in His victory.