What are you believing God for at this present moment? The salvation of a lost spouse or relative? Physical healing? Finances? This side of Glory is filled with episodes of difficulties.

The Scriptures tell us that without faith it is impossible to please God. The woman with the issue of blood believed that if she touched the hem of His garment she would be made whole. Those four men in Mark’s gospel exhibited faith by tearing a roof apart in order to get their friend to Jesus. Jesus told the centurion who was concerned about his suffering servant, “as you have believed, so let it be done for you.”

I might add here that in every case of healing in the gospels not once is the person’s faith in his or her faith the cause for the healing. No, the Healer Himself was the One they placed their faith in. Not once in Scripture are we ever told to have faith in our own faith. We are told to have faith in the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus.

Jesus marvels at unbelief. Now it’s not right to get down on those who are spiritually low for unbelief is not a stranger to any honest soul. I’ve found myself in many situations feeling like the father who cried with tears, “Lord, I believe (in You); help my unbelief.” I’m equally convinced that Jesus is displeased with those whose faith is nothing more than, as I said before, a faith in their own faith. Lest we are cleverly persuaded to think that what I’ve just said is wrong, how much faith did Lazarus ‘release’ to come out of the tomb? Is faith required to receive from God? Yes, and yet many times I’ve heard the testimony of saints who’ve received from God in spite of themselves.

My heart goes out to any readers today trapped in some situation or condition and feeling spiritually paralyzed. First of all, never doubt the love God has for you. Secondly, never stop trusting the Lord for that need. We get hung up on time. He quietly whispers, ‘Trust Me.’ Many times we stop trusting the Lord because we don’t get a microwave answer. Faith in Jesus is comforting. A troubled heart could be an indication of a misplaced faith.

I asked at the outset of this article a question. How will you respond? The true language of faith both asks and acts. Put legs on your prayer. He is able, but do you believe it? If you are doing nothing about your problem, expect nothing to happen. If you are not believing God for anything, then nothing is what you’ll get. You’ve been given the measure of faith. What are you doing with it?