Stephen, the first Christian martyr, died because he took a stand for Jesus. His death wasn’t in vain. I believe that his demeanor at the time of his departure planted an indelible impression upon the mind and the heart of Saul of Tarsus, who would become the apostle Paul. If we are going to be witnesses of the power of God’s Spirit, we must be prepared to take a stand for Christ.

The psalmist asks, “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” An ungodly person “shall not stand in the judgment”; the foolish, boastful workers of iniquity shall not stand in God’s sight.

If we desire to “stand tall” for Jesus, we must stand firm in the liberty that His saving grace has provided. We must ever stand strong in His power, not in the wisdom of men. We must stand strong in the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, not allowing any additions or subtractions to the finished work of Christ.

Taking a stand for Jesus will inevitably lead to persecution. In fact, persecution “for righteousness’ sake” is one of the Beatitudes! Paul and many other early church saints stood “in jeopardy every hour”. We realize that our enemy is not flesh and blood, which is why we are given the armor of God in order to stand, even while the enemy fires away. It is this godly lifestyle that enables you and me to stand together for our faith.

How precious to know that if I stand for Jesus now, when my race is completed, He will stand to welcome me home, just as He did Stephen. Take a bold stand for Jesus this week!