Jeremiah 50:6 tells us that God’s people, Israel, were like lost sheep. They were led astray by their shepherds; they forgot their resting place. In a nutshell, Israel strayed because their shepherds did not give the people the Word of God. However, even where the Word of God was sown, it didn’t profit its hearers because they did not mix the Word with faith. Nor were they willing to obey what they heard and follow God’s instructions.

Today, there is a rest for the people of God. You can be sure today that God wants His people to find rest in Him. He wants us to experience not only peace with Him, but also the peace of God.

Israel went from mountain to mountain. People today go from church to church, seminar to seminar, retreat to retreat. None of these things will give you rest today. They may even serve like a pain pill does with a throbbing backache, but after the dose wears off the pain is back.

When we stop failing, we stop being human. When we stop getting depressed or discouraged, we stop being human. Is there not for the born-again Christian a rest in Christ that will carry us through the slumps of our humanity? Was Jesus trying to fool us when He spoke the words in Matthew 11:28,29: “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”?

Difficulties today are breaking more saints’ faith than ever before. Ironically, 2 Cor 12:9&10 tell us that these same difficulties brought Paul to a deeper walk with Jesus. Storms are a part of the Christian life. Crosses to bear are certainly heavy.

Hurting saint, lonely saint, depressed saint, Jesus cares. He’s still your Best Friend. He’ll pull you through. Take a mini retreat. Go to a park or even an old empty church and get alone with the Lord. If He were here on earth, wouldn’t you do that? Apply a promise that fits your need and let God’s Word, not your restless fiasco, change your thinking. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him”, David said.

Is God willing to help you? Yes. His standing invitation is to “Come to Me.” Are you willing to believe His promise and obey His Word? Rest in God’s Kingdom is never attained by flying away. It’s found by going to Jesus and realizing that “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”

May John 14:27 and 16:33 bring you the rest you need today.