The Lord told king Hezekiah to set his house in order for he was going to die. The prophet Amos declared, “Prepare to meet thy God”.

Eternal preparation necessitates practical application. Step one for eternal preparation is repentance from our sins and believing the record God has declared regarding the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. After our new birth we must desire the Word of God and all that it has to say to us about Kingdom living. The result of this “feeding on God’s Word” will be a life of abiding in Christ and fellowshipping with Him.

This life in Christ Jesus is not to be lived by our own human strength, but in the power of God the Holy Ghost. We are not simply practicing Christianity, we are now living in Christ. Today, you and I are going to be planting seeds, good or bad, for eternity. In light of that fact may we choose to walk in the ways of the LORD, for only He has words of eternal life. And let us never forget that eternal life is knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ.

Are you making preparations for eternity? Is your life a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God? Are you feeding daily on the Holy Scriptures? Are you walking in holiness? Are you growing in your most holy faith? The time to start is NOW!