After we are born again, we become new creatures; so new, in fact, that God likens us to newborn babies. Like a newborn baby, we step into a whole new way of living. This new life is also likened to a resurrection from the dead.

The Apostle Peter tells us that walking with Jesus in newness of life requires a mental toughness like Jesus had when He went to the cross. Because we still live in these mortal, natural bodies, our ability to be tempted by sin and sinful living will not go away until we die. However, as we choose to yield to God’s truth, we experience victory and the joy of being a vessel of honor for the Master’s use.

A key to victorious living in Christ is realizing that I simply can no longer do the fleshly things I used to before I gave my heart to Jesus. I cannot enjoy something that pinned Jesus to the cross.

Salvation is not only forgiveness of sin; it is also the hourly, daily forsaking of sin in order that my life may become a living epistle of my Lord Jesus.