Jesus made those awesome “I AM” statements in the gospel of John, each one of them indicating who He is and what He is doing for us.

I AM means that Jesus exists in the eternal present, or right now. Of course, from our perspective in the dimension of time we see the works of God in history past and in history future (also called prophecy), but in His very nature and the essence of His being, God is the great I AM. In other words, dear saints, God is working in your life right now. Job 22:21 exhorts: “Now acquaint yourself with Him”. There is no better time to draw near to the Lord than now.

I like the fact that I dwell in Christ right now. I like the fact that we can share His gospel and urge people to come now for forgiveness and salvation. So many times we find ourselves worrying about the future or feeling sorry about our past, when our precious Lord wants to minister His gracious words to us now.

Right now He is your Shepherd, ever so diligently guiding and protecting you, lovingly providing for your needs. He is, right now, the Light that you need to make that important decision before you. At this very moment He is the Resurrection and the Life. Yes, Jesus still raises the dead to life today. Even dead relationships, including dead marriages, can be brought back to life through Jesus!

For those who lack direction, He is the Way. For those who have been hurt by lies and deceitfulness, He is the Truth. For those who are tired of merely existing, He is the Life. He is the Source of the fruitful, abundant, Spirit-filled life. Even as you read this devotional the great I AM is whispering to you His love and comfort.

As our Lord, He doesn’t hold back when correcting us is necessary. No, He chastens us now, and upon our confession and repentance, He cleanses us now. Blessed (happy) are those who heed His work instead of hardening their heart!

Yes, saints, you can be sure that the eternal God is working in you “both to will and to do for His good pleasure” – right now.