When Peter and John stood before the Council in Acts 4, these religious leaders “took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” This statement, if overlooked, cites a misconception that prevails in the minds of believers and non-believers alike. Note, to the unlearned religionists, the apostles HAD BEEN with Jesus. The truth is that Jesus was with them at that very moment! He told them that, “I am with you always.” The writer to the Hebrews reminds us that the Lord said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”

Dearly beloved, once you give your life to Jesus Christ by receiving Him as your Savior, you become the temple of the Holy Ghost. I often catch myself (or others) praying, “Jesus, be with us when we go here to do this ministry.” Wait a second! I don’t need to ask Him to go with me because where I go, He goes. We turn things upside down so easily, don’t we? For example, the church that Jesus is building today is not made of concrete, mortar, fancy pews, and steeples; it’s made up of people. The place where we gather is not the church but is just the building where the church congregates to learn about God and worship Him. When two or three gather together, Jesus is in their midst.

How important that we meditate on this blessed truth that Jesus is with us always. His presence is there at work. Marriage symbolizes our union with Him. Reader, embrace this truth and, as Brother Lawrence so beautifully wrote, practice the presence of God. His eyes are upon you right now and His ears are open unto your prayers. You can confidently declare today, “My times are in Your hand.” And might I add that the hand of God will never let you go. Romans 8 tells us in verse 35 a number of things that are bound to befall any one of us in this life. But, right alongside this ‘list of horrors’ is the sovereign Lord’s assurance that nothing and nobody can separate us from the love of Christ.

Receive His love for you today. Are you lonely, hurting, or ready to give up? Instead, turn your life over to Jesus, who loves you so much that He came to die for you so that you might live through Him. Ask Him into your life right now; it’s that simple.

Dear believer, if you are cast down today, look to Jesus. He does understand. When we give our lives to Jesus, cares and all, those around us will also conclude that we are walking with Jesus.