Works do not save us, but a genuine faith will produce good works. Jesus Himself came to do the work of God, and we are called to follow His example. Jesus’ works didn’t make Him become the Messiah; they proved that He is the Messiah.

Our works are the visible expressions of our faith. We were redeemed by Jesus for good works. As James wrote, “faith without works is dead”. God’s work is carried out through God’s children; that is, it is actually His working in us and through us! Thus, as we abide in fellowship with Jesus, we bring forth the fruit that glorifies our heavenly Father, which is proof that we are disciples of Christ.

Our works, as stated earlier, are to “shine before men”.6 This “armor of light” is in clear contrast to the fallen world system. These “works of faith” reflect a trust in God even when all external evidence of hope is all but gone.

May we be faithful in using the giftings of the Lord and the opportunities He sets before us to the end that He would be magnified. Good works are the overflow of a life that is holy and useful for the Master.