This English word “fellowship” is taken from the Greek word “koinonia”. Among other things, it carries the idea of partnership, a sharing of something in common. When the church was formed, fellowship was a very vital ingredient. Now let’s not think that this meant solely “going to church”. That is indeed an important part of the believer’s walk, but it is not exclusively what fellowship is all about. True fellowship on the horizontal plane is fruitless if our personal fellowship vertically with God is absent. Truly our fellowship is with the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

It’s important to point out that walking “in the light” is pivotal for intimate fellowship. Paul tells us to put on “the armor of light” because light is essential to walking in victory. This light is Jesus, and a primary means of fellowshipping with Him is through His word, which is “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” May Christ help us, as we grow in Him, to “walk as children of light”. May Jesus mature us in both speaking and receiving the truth in our fellowship with one another.

Our fellowship is in the gospel. Just before He went to the cross, Jesus prayed for all believers to be sanctified by the truth of God’s word and united in Him. Each and every believer has bowed his knee to Christ and acknowledged the need for forgiveness and new life. We need to remember that when we fall, suffer adversity, or experience the hardships of life, each one of us goes to the same Lord for help.

The Body of Christ indeed has fellowship, not only with God, but also with one another. Cultivating our personal relationship with Jesus is the very axis of our lives. The fruit of that ‘walking with Jesus’ is what spills over into our fellowship with one another.

Let’s look to Jesus, look out for one another, and look toward our common future. Having the same foundation and the same focus is what fellowship is all about.