At every Italian wedding I’ve attended (which is plenty!), inevitably the celebration builds to a point when a popular song comes over the P.A. system. The song is called, “Feelings”.

What about feelings? Sometimes they’re expressed as goose bumps or tears, but can we trust them as a barometer to measure our lives? Nobody will dispute that each person displays and experiences a variety of emotions; after all, we’re not robots. The Biblical writers expressed many emotions. However, if we are to be a people who walk by faith, then we must learn how to not walk by sight, or our five natural senses.

Many times faith is illogical, which is why God tells us not to lean on our own understanding. Sometimes emotions can be very misleading also. Multitudes of saints rely upon external conditions to determine their standing with God, or their decision-making. Anything external or of this world is subject to change, whether it be health, finances, relationships, or the weather. To gauge my faith upon the ‘wellness’ of any of these things is very dangerous because they can be fine one day, and terrible the next.

Stability for the child of God comes as we read, meditate on, and walk in the light of the unchanging Word of God. You see, no matter when you read the Scriptures, the message is always the same, for our Savior doesn’t change. His truth is eternally good. Therefore, faith in God’s Word shields us from the trap of emotionalism. God is never going to lie to us about anything. He is at work in our lives, and will perfect those troublesome matters we face. He is on our side, and will never forsake us. He will supply all of our needs “according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Abba says that He is doing these things in my life right now. In fact, all things are working out according to His will and purpose. Whether it feels like it or not, God has said it, and that settles it. That is reality! Whether I believe it or not will be the difference between peace or unrest, joy or depression.

Faith, not feelings, is the substance that we need to develop. If we are to cultivate an unstaggering faith, we must consistently refuse to consider both the size of the difficulty confronting us and our ever-changing feelings. It is only by spending time in the Word that we will develop this faith. Then, no matter what we may or may not feel, we must apply God’s Word to our lives.

Remember, faith obeys. Feelings, however, usually veto the Word of God. But God says that you are more than a conqueror in life, and He believes that. Do you?