
The Scriptures reveal our God as Deliverer. David declared this (2 Sam 22:2); so did Paul (Rom 11:26). The only message in the entire universe that frees sinful, fallen man is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We, as Christians, need to cling to this liberty that Jesus...

Faithful Fatherhood

Our generation has seen the entrance of the backseat, passive father. Sad to say, even today’s father’s alleged “involvement” in their children’s lives are only in areas where dad gets blessed. What does God expect a godly father and husband to be like? Simply put...

His Glorious Light

Among the many contrasts found in Scripture we find one repeatedly surfacing, and that is light and darkness. As early as Genesis 1:4 we find God calling light good and then separating the light from the darkness. It was foretold that people who sat in darkness would...

The Three-Fold Cord

“… And a three-fold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12) In Ephesians 5, we find a beautiful picture of a Christian marriage. One man and one woman, filled with the Holy Spirit, “submitting to one another in the fear of God.” Thus, if we are encountering...

The Folly Of Evolution

Despite all of the alleged scientific language hype we hear today, the theory of evolution (which really isn’t scientific) is only an excuse for man not to believe in the existence of God. In a nutshell, evolution teaches that matter working with matter over billions...