The Scriptures tell us that mankind is either being conformed to the image of Jesus or the image of this world system. The question that we must ask ourselves today is, ‘Am I truly growing in grace and in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?’

I’ve learned that if you want to be conformed to this world system and its temporal values, it requires no effort at all. Conversely, it takes deliberate and even determined effort to pray, and attend church; to give, and forgive those who have wronged you; to read the Scriptures; to take thought before you speak, and use discernment about what you watch on television or choose to read; and to preach the Gospel.

You see, if you want to be like the world, just stop doing the things God tells you to do in His Word, and before you know it, you’ll be lukewarm and distasteful to God. Certainly that is not what any of you would plan on doing. But, without a spiritual plan, are you in fact doing this “counter-conforming” unconsciously?

Using the life of Christ as the perfect model of humanity at its finest gives us our pattern to follow. It’s wonderful to sing, “To be like Jesus, all I ask, to be like Him”. However, this doesn’t happen without forsaking the world, denying self, resisting the devil, rejoicing in the Lord, and exercising godliness. Some of you may need to go back to the “old paths”, so to speak.

Your daily response to things in your life are part of the conforming process. When in trouble, Saul turned to a witch, but David turned to the Lord. Jesus endured the cross, that we may successfully endure temptations. Drive out the world and center your conduct in the holiness of God. Be ashamed about your sins, not the Gospel, and you’ll need not be ashamed when He returns.