To be chosen by God is quite an incredible thing, because it means that the Lord made a choice to make us His very own. We are chosen to be a royal priesthood, a holy priesthood. Each and every child of God is chosen to be a priest of the Lord. This call of God is a call to be holy, separate, unworldly.

I am afraid that far too many people think that holiness is nothing more than going to church and being a “good” person. While being in fellowship and a good example are important, they are not the total sum of a holy life.

The twelve disciples spent time with Jesus. When you spend time with Jesus, others will notice “the shine” that stems from that fellowship. We cannot shine or be salty apart from spending time with Jesus. Do you make spending time with Jesus a daily priority? You become like the people you hang around with the most. By spending time with our High Priest Jesus, we become those vessels of holiness that are the “badge” of every child of God.

We are called to be priests…let’s act like one.