“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Let that truth sink deep down into your heart today. By God’s wonderful design, Jesus Christ was sent into this world to save sinners. We are sinners in need of God’s mercy. Now, in Christ, we have heaven’s provision of that mercy.

At our first birth, we are “connected” to the fallen Adam; at our rebirth, we are baptized into the risen Adam. We are sons of the Living God, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and accepted in the Beloved Son – now!

Saints, “now we are children of God”! We do not have to wait until “the sweet ol’ bye and bye.” Praise Jesus! We are in Him now. In Jesus, we enter the rest of God.

The same hand that holds me is working in my life right now. God is sovereignly directing events designed to conform me into the image of Jesus. This work going on in my life is the glorious ministration of God’s Spirit.

How beautiful it is to walk with Jesus! Friend, do you know Jesus personally? Is there room in your heart for Him? You can know that you have eternal life today, right now! If you call out to Jesus with true sorrow for your sin, He will forgive you and you can begin a new life – right NOW!