March 29, 2024

It is a waste to misuse scarce resources like time, talents, or money. However, the worldly idea of something being wasteful is often at odds with what God thinks is wasteful. Investing your life in anything other than service and devotion to Jesus Christ is wasteful...

March 28, 2024

Shortly before Jesus died on the cross, he was having a meal at the house of Simon the leper. During the meal, a woman poured an expensive ointment on Jesus’ head. Some were indignant, calling the costly act wasteful. However, Jesus heralded it as an act of worshipful...


Matthew 28:18-20 is called ‘The Great Commission’. It’s a command given to Christ’s disciples to proclaim His gospel to every creature and then teach them how to walk with Jesus. This mandate is not merely a good idea or just a wonderful suggestion, but it is a...

March 27, 2024

The regathering of Jews from all around the world into their homeland is a miraculous ancient promise that God is fulfilling today. Because the Lord is a promise-keeping God, we can also be confident that what Jesus did for us on the cross, in this life and in...