The ‘Rupture’ Of The Church

No, this is not a new doctrine. This is more of a phenomenon. It’s kind of like the ‘strange vanishings’ published by Time-Life books. While I suspect those vanishings are myths and untrue, the ‘rupture’ of the church is sadly both real and true. All over our country,...

The Word Of Faith

A very fundamental principle of Biblical interpretation is that the meaning of a passage is determined by its immediate context. Today, there is a “Word of Faith” movement. Does the Bible refer to such a thing? It sure does. It can be found in Romans 10:8. In what...

The Value Of Fasting

If we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, He will lift us up. One way that we humble ourselves is by fasting. David said, “I humbled my soul with fasting”. Our bodily appetites are so demanding. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak. Realizing the...

May 3, 2024

The church in Ephesus was doing a lot of things right, nevertheless they had abandoned their first love. In our text today, Jesus calls us to return to Him, the One who first loved us. Please open your Bible to Revelation chapter two, and listen as Pastor Ray Viola...


This English word “fellowship” is taken from the Greek word “koinonia”. Among other things, it carries the idea of partnership, a sharing of something in common. When the church was formed, fellowship was a very vital ingredient. Now let’s not think that this meant...