Our Holy Calling

All Christians are commanded to be holy. We are not given the option of being “selectively” holy. By that I mean that we “reserve” areas in our lives where we can engage in questionable activity or speech. There is no escaping this call unto holiness3 and purity for...

Ministering Angels

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Heb 1:14) I was shocked the other day when that “still, small voice” asked me if I was a Sadducee. Remember them? They were the typical wealthy, aristocratic religious...

The Touch Of God

You remember that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat or touch the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden. How interesting that man, before the fall, was forbidden to touch that tree, but today because of God’s Lamb, Jesus Christ, man is invited to ‘Come to...

May 17, 2024

In the book of Revelation, Thyatira was a church that Jesus commended for their perseverance and faithful service. Any church should seek to excel in these things. In His exhortation, Jesus probed deeper than that He is the God who sees. There is nothing too little...

A Lesson From Jotham

One of the kings of Judah was a man by the name of Jotham. His name means “Jehovah is perfect”. How beautiful it is to be a child of the King whose ways are perfect. Confident in His strength, He, as I humbly obey Him, makes my way perfect. This king Jotham followed...