What does a woman after God’s own heart look like? I cannot fully answer that question in one short message. Nevertheless, there are very some very fundamental character qualities of biblical womanhood recorded in Scripture that will be found in every woman of every culture, regardless of their age. Though many of the passages that we will be looking at today will pertain to married women and mothers, the basic qualities are to be pursued and displayed in the lives of every unmarried sister in Christ also, despite their age.

My precious sisters in Jesus, JB Phillips paraphrase of Romans 12:2 reads, ‘Do not let the world squeeze you into its mold.’ Whether we are aware of it or not, this fallen world system has an agenda. And that agenda is to fit us into its image and likeness.

There is a fallen world image of womanhood and motherhood that is seeking to mold each sister reading this devotional into its mold. “They” dictate to you what is fashionable and what is not. If you are married, “they” tell you that you need to put you own goals and dreams before those of your husband and family. If you are single, “they” tell you how you need to dress and act to attract Mr. Right. Well, whatever “they” are telling you that is contrary to God’s Word is a lie and a sure recipe for making a shipwreck of your life.

Sisters, nobody loves you like The Father. His thoughts towards you are loving, kind, gracious and good. Whatever “boundaries” He reveals regarding submission or dress are only for your good. May the Word of God describe the portrait of a woman that you desire to be.