To be truly effective witnesses for the Lord Jesus, we need to have holy desires. David, the man after God’s own heart, was a man with the sole desire to be in fellowship with his Shepherd. That is the kind of single-mindedness that we need in following Jesus.

Repeatedly, the Holy Spirit reminds us about the importance of the things of God’s Kingdom over the things of the world. Oh that we might constantly be aware of Satan’s desire to get us off track with Jesus! When Solomon took the enemy’s bait and filled his every desire, he summed up his experience with one word – vanity.

In contrast, holy desires are fulfilling, not vain, because the ultimate desire for the twice-born child of God is the Lord, period. This relationship that we have with the Lord Jesus so intrigues the holy angels that they desire to look into it! This life with Christ causes us to long for our heavenly home.

Saints, may we learn to simply find all of our delight in the Lord Jesus rather than in the unholy desires of the old man or in this fallen world system. Our satisfaction is with Jesus, in glory.

Lord Jesus, be our desire above all things and all others!