Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Waiting on God in the biblical meaning of the word is contrary to human nature. It flies in the face of the natural man. To be sure, waiting on God is not a license for negligence or laziness. Waiting on God is the language of faith. Waiting on God means that I will do nothing to force something to happen. Waiting on God means that I will not drop hints or make suggestions to others with the hopes that they will do what God has not yet done. Waiting on God means that I am trusting Him to work out this situation or meet that need in His way and in His time according to His riches in glory. Waiting on God means that I will not do anything that in any way, shape, or form is an effort to force His hand or manipulate Divine Providence.

Abraham’s failure to wait on God’s timing in the matter of Sarah having the son of promise gave birth to Ishmael. Because he was seeking to fulfill God’s will his own way and in his time, we are living in the reality of the rising tensions in the Middle East today. Abraham is indeed the father of faith. Both Romans (4:11-12) and Hebrews (11:8) reveal that Abraham had a real faith in God. However, the best of men are still men. My point? Are you in a situation today where you are feeling that you need to step in because God is late? Are you planning on stepping in because God is not coming through in the way or time that you expected Him to? Beware. Ishmael is always the tragic result of doing things my way instead of waiting on God. Selah