The first reference to humility in Scripture is found in Exodus 10:3 where the Lord, speaking through Moses, asks Pharaoh how long he would refuse to humble himself before God and let His people go. Basically, Pharaoh was stubbornly
refusing to submit to God’s Word.

The opposite of humility is pride, which is an anti-God state of mind that can only result in frustration and loss. Humility, on the other hand, is the pathway to peace and blessing. Humility is following the example of Christ, whose humble obedience obtained salvation for mankind. There is, though, a Pharisee-type of humility, which is nothing more than self-abasing, non-Scriptural rules of do’s and don’ts that have nothing to do with one’s standing before God.

God offers grace to the humble soul. How beautiful it is when the church is clothed with humility. No matter what your circumstances are today, you can be confident that if you’ve been walking in the Spirit and humbly doing His will, He will lift you up. Actually, trusting God is the foundation of humility, because if you trust God you will obey Him, and obedience constitutes humility.

There are no winners in the camp of the proud. Where does God say that He will dwell? “For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.’” This kind of person is mightily used by God and granted the desires of his or her heart because their will and God’s will are one and the same. The humble also rejoices upon hearing about our Lord’s greatness.

Humility is not measured by one’s financial greatness or physical attractiveness. Contrary to some opinions, it’s not necessarily marked by quiet, soft-spokenness. No, humility is the quality of life that puts God’s Word into action in every sphere of life and accepts the mysteries of Providence with a complete assurance that Romans 8:28 means what it says. Walking in the reality of your redemption is the walk of humility, confidence, and peace.