Every disciple of Jesus Christ that I know of wrestles at times with his or her position in Christ while struggling with their current condition. Every believer is a member of the body of Christ. We enter into that position the moment we trust in Jesus as our Savior. However, we are presently in a transformation process carried out by the Spirit of God called sanctification.

While we are in these mortal bodies we are going to be experiencing temptations, fiery trials, and fiery darts. Along with this, we will still miss God’s will, fumble in our prayer lives, get “into it” with other people, and deal with the daily and seasonal changes and challenges of life. But Jesus assures us that our position in Him is to bring us peace because He has already overcome the tribulations of this world.

Admittedly, our present condition often gets our eyes off our eternal position, which is why the apostle Paul spent the first three chapters of Ephesians on the issue of position in Christ. How important it is for us to camp in those chapters and soak our souls with an understanding of our position in and identity with Jesus Christ! God tells us we are “complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” Jesus has all authority and control, and we are secure in Him. One word that is used to describe believers in Jesus Christ is saints, “hagios” in the Greek, meaning “sacred, consecrated, holy” – in other words, belonging to God. But another word that could summarize our trek through this life of being conformed into the image of Jesus is groaning!

I’ve found out that when I concentrate on my position in Christ, I can deal with my current condition and present situation, whatever they may be, with Christ. I also realize that my condition (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) effects my fellowship with my Lord, but not my relationship to Him. Therefore, giving all diligence, I daily desire to add to my faith.

I’m confidently “absent from the Lord” while fearfully struggling with my flesh. The grace of God is the source of my position, as well as my condition. Dwelling in the heavenlies makes for security, while walking in my mortality keeps me in constant need of my Lord. He is working; I’m abiding.

So, whether my eyes look up or look out, the only object upon which I am to keep my focus is Jesus. In Him my position and condition are one and the same.