The only individual who can claim exclusive ownership of the church is Jesus Christ. To build the church upon man is simply carnal. Yes, there are offices given to the church, but to be contentious over our preferences for the men of these offices is divisive. The church belongs to Jesus because He died for it, and anyone who is a part of His church is married to Jesus.

Note carefully today that Jesus declares that He will build up, not tear down, His church. The word “build” is actually a construction term in one sense. You could say, “I will structure My church.” When we realize that Jesus has the master blueprint for the entire body as well as for each individual member, we can proceed by faith in great confidence and obedience.

If Jesus is in the business of building up His church, shouldn’t we be also? However, we do not build up the church by being critical of every flaw. When sin is found in the camp, do you identify with it and cry out to God, or do you detach yourself from it like a self-righteous Pharisee?

How we need to learn to pray without ceasing for those overtaken in sins. The calling of every part of the body of Christ is to edify one another. We are to use our gifts to minister to one another. Are you a body builder, or are you a model on display? Do you edify, or exterminate? Comfort, or condemn? Pray for, or pick apart?

God is working in each of our lives to strengthen His body. The fact of the matter is that we need one another, so beware of that independent spirit! The foundation of the church is Jesus Christ. His word is our rock. We are built up in Him.

May each of us determine to be “gainfully employed” in Christ’s church, and be a body builder, not a building inspector.