In both Testaments the Lord declares that His people shall be holy, for He is holy. Our God is a holy God. There is nothing impure or unclean about Him. He is pure because He is holy. The holiness of which we speak implies a separateness, or setting apart. Of course, there is no other who is holy to the extent or degree that the LORD is. Nevertheless, the Lord declares that His people are to be holy.

God has called every saint to holiness. “And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” (1 John 3:3). If there is one attribute that causes those who follow Jesus to stick out, it would be holiness. Holiness of the heart that is, not the Pharisaical holiness that was outwardly clean, but rotten at the core. True holiness isn’t outward, but inward. Remember, we’re called to be holy, not just look or act like it!

Our holiness is a separation unto a Person, Jesus Christ, not unto a code or a religious system of some sort. Recognizing our relationship with this present world system draws the lines very clearly for us; we are to be separate. However, since we are to go to the world with the Good News, our witness must be a peaceful and holy one. The very faith that we embrace and desire to share is a holy faith.

Holy people make an impression on others without acting impressive. Holy people “light up” the atmosphere when they are around. They are vessels that honor Jesus. To be holy means that we “wave goodbye” to our former lusts. Enough is enough!

May the One who is holy, at whose footstool we worship, continue to transform us into His holy image for His glory and honor as we yield our lives to Him.