For the next month we will be looking at various titles ascribed to God. Of course there is no need to review the Biblical truth that these Three – Father, Son, and Spirit – are One. The Hebrew in Genesis 1:1 and Deut 6:4 bears this out because the term translated as God (singular) is Elohim, which indicates plurality.

I find it fascinating to read what people said about the Lord. David called Him his Lord. The Father Himself addressed His Son Jesus as God. Peter called Him “the Christ, the Son of the living God”, and in his epistle he describes Jesus as “a living stone, … chosen by God and precious”.

A person’s view of God will determine how they relate to Him. We need the whole counsel of God if we are to have an accurate, balanced relationship with God. For example, He is both Judge and Advocate. He both convicts and comforts. He opens doors, and He closes doors. He is both knowable and yet unknowable.

What a glorious Lord we have! What a wonderful Shepherd! As we go through these daily devotions may each of us “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” He is unchanging in His faithfulness, and will complete the work He has begun in each of us.

To really benefit from these studies place each title or attribute of God alongside that corresponding need in your life. For example, if you are ill, He is your Healer. Meditate on your God, not your problem, and God’s peace will begin to flow in your soul like never before.