Colossians 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

This first chapter of Colossians provides for the followers of Jesus Christ some of the most powerful revelations about His Person and the gospel that bears His Name. Picking up in verse 18 we see that Jesus Christ is The Head of the church. There’s only One Head of the church, and His Name is Jesus Christ!! This Jesus is The Beginning or Origin of all things. He is the Preeminent One over all things. This preeminent Jesus is the full expression of every attribute of God in human form. He is God Almighty, clothed in humanity, perfection and perfect God, Creator of all.

The mystery of it all is that this same preeminent Creator and God, Who was given The Name Yeshua at birth, was born to bear the sin of the world as The Lamb of God, and in doing so, provide for fallen mankind forgiveness of sin and release from the authority and powers of darkness. And it is by grace, through faith in His blood that we are set free and now stand before God The Father, holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. Good News indeed!!

But bearing testimony to the Name of Jesus Christ in a fallen world at times results in being persecuted, reviled, and spoken evil against. Paul calls such treatment being afflicted and suffering for His Name’s sake. Paul himself was one of the most ferocious haters of Jesus Christ and those who followed Him; but God redeemed him and made him a minister, or servant of God, who became one of the most influential people throughout the ages of the church. You and I are living testimony of his faithfulness to share the gospel of Christ in you, the hope of glory. Paul was a man with a passion for souls and a passion to make disciples for Jesus Christ. He preached the gospel, He warned the scoffers, and he taught the converts how to grow and become a disciple of Jesus.

When Christ is preeminent in a person’s life, they too will become passionate to reach the lost and mature in their faith in Jesus. This preeminent Jesus Christ is The North Star of every follower of Jesus. He is The Anchor of our souls. He is the Creator and Redeemer of mankind. May The Preeminent Jesus be preeminent in the lives of writer and reader alike. Selah