“As for God, His way is perfect.” For the disciples of Christ it is always good to pray, “Lead me in the way everlasting.” To harmonize our steps with His Word is a very wise thing to do. You see, opposites in the Kingdom of God are costly in their differences. The opposite of God’s perfect way is man’s imperfect way.
Oh, how glorious to be able to declare like David did, “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way … I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.” What a joy to know that our Perfect Rock has promised to “perfect that which concerns me.” What a strength there is as I walk in the Spirit and experience His perfect peace. Why would I settle for anything less?
Oh yes, there is that constant battle going on between the flesh and the Spirit, and quite often I begin to buckle under the pressure of temptation or compromise. However, at the very peak of the encounter Jesus quietly whispers to me, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” He indeed “always causes me to triumph.” I’m so guilty of cutting the work of God short in my life.
He desires that I “go on to perfection” and that I bring forth good fruit. When I realize that both in and through Jesus I’m secure and accepted for all eternity, that perfect love casts out those fears of rejection or failure. Face it,
perfection this side of glory is at best a dream. Nevertheless, that desire to be like Jesus does serve as a powerful incentive to “press on”.
May God’s love be perfected in us;20 may it “cover a multitude of sins”;21 may it be that “bond of perfection”22 that produces Christ-honoring, God-glorifying fruit.