The singular call of Jesus to His disciples was to deny themselves, pick up their cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23). The body of Christ is composed of imperfect people who are prone to get discouraged, depressed, and defeated in their walks. The triad of “D’s” that I just mentioned is no respecter of persons. We all have seasons in our walk where we get down or feel ineffective as a Christian and need to be encouraged and built up. Thus, we are exhorted to comfort and edify one another. And as we saw last week, we are to comfort and edify in love. Because God knows that I am disposed to focus on my own comfort and well being, this next one another compels me to be looking out for others who are in need of comfort and encouragement.
One of the best ways to crawl out of the dungeon of self-pity and the self-life is by reaching out to someone else with a word of comfort or encouragement. When we comfort and encourage one another, we are comforted and encouraged. Proverbs 11:25 tells us that he that waters, shall be watered himself. Living out our faith with one another within the local church is rarely easy, and most certainly bothersome to our selfish flesh. God’s Word is God’s will. So, what is God’s word and will for my life? Your life? What is God’s word and God’s will for every single person who considers Koinonia Fellowship to be his or her home church? Deny yourself, look around you today, and in the love of Jesus, determine to comfort or build up others in the body. You will be blessed, Jesus will be pleased, and The Father will be glorified. Selah