God’s Word, among other things, is medicinal. However, for the Word to be medicinal it requires attention and inclination, continuation and preservation on our part. Also, we need not only to be readers of the Word, but also to delight and meditate in it day and night.

Now I don’t know about you, but I would make a horrible farmer. You see, I want quick results. Instant fruit! Microwaved mind renewal! But that’s not how God sows His kingdom. He doesn’t plant a seed and then wonder why the cucumber isn’t growing 36 hours later – visibly growing, that is. No, farmers exhibit patience, reflecting this characteristic of our God, who knows it takes time for His Word to bear fruit.

If you’re anything like me, you need to find a quiet place where you can draw near to God and vice versa. Oh how we need to be still and just sit in His presence until He speaks to us the words that we need to hear in any given situation. Then, and only then, in its truest sense, does God’s Word work like medicine – almost surgically in a way, as His truth and light enter in and fears and doubt exit.

The Lord, over and over again, tells us in Proverbs to hear Him. If we are wise, we will hear Him. God’s instruction is the counsel of our Father. He wants us to maintain a listening and learning attitude. He wants to reveal to us excellent things. He, like any good parent, wants His children – those who have placed faith in Jesus Christ – to be wise. He also tells us to shun those “anti-medicinal” words.

So, bow down your ear; open the Scriptures, and let your Lord speak to your heart about that area of concern. Nothing is more important. Don’t rush; hush. Let the Great Physician do what He does best – grant you mercy and comfort.