The Bible teaches us about faith. There faith is defined; we might call it a “statement of faith”. It is very important that we know both what we believe and why we believe it. Scripture is given for correct doctrine. Nevertheless, as believers saved by grace through Jesus Christ, our statement of faith must give birth to the works of faith.

James 2:26 tells us that “faith without works is dead.” In fact, it’s pretty difficult to convince someone of your faith when they read a different gospel in your life. That is not to imply that once we become a Christian our behavior is changed from imperfection to perfection. Our status before God changes, but not the fact that we are still sinners.

There is, if it may help you see it clearer, the verb of faith which acts on the Word of God. I think we get tripped up at times because we “get the cart before the horse”. Many saints substitute faith with hope. Now hope is a beautiful thing; in fact, it’s one of the three abiding virtues. And there is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We can be eternally secure in Christ because He is our hope. There is also that hope of the future.

However, hope always lies in the future, whereas faith is always in the present tense. We walk by faith, not by sight. The faith of God’s children believes even when all hope seems to be gone, as with Abraham. This faith is not a faith in our own faith; it’s a faith that trusts God’s Word. We trust Him because of who He is, regardless of our situation.

Biblical faith is a belief in God and in His Word that is transferred into action. Becoming a Christian doesn’t put us into a protective shield where we are immune from the trials, difficulties, or effects of sin. Christians do encounter storms; we do get tempted. Believers die just like everyone else. None of the adversities that we face are unusual. In fact, God allows our faith to be put on trial that we might grow in confidence in His grace and love. You see, our faith is a confidence in Him, whether in abundance or abasement.

The Lord has begun a good work in you, and the person of faith knows (not hopes) that He is going to “keep up the good job”. The Lord is our Potter, and He is working in our lives “both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Jesus does not make mistakes; you are not an accident, and neither are your circumstances. Paul declared, “I know whom I have believed.” Even his “prison ministry” was ordained. He was Christ’s prisoner, not Nero’s!

In the gospel we hear Jesus asking questions like, “Where is your faith?” Your past deliverances are important to remember when it seems like you are “doomed”. Don’t you remember those mountains of the past that Jesus removed? How is it that you have no faith today? Oh, your emotions may be signaling “red alert”, but remember that you are a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ and cling to His promises and supply.

Faith is never disappointed even when “our petition” has not been granted.

We know that His love, wisdom, and design lie behind the storm clouds of today. Never allow your faith to stand in man’s wisdom. When nothing seems to be flowing, do something loving for someone, and you will find your little faith grow because faith works through love.

Also, as you fellowship with the Lord your love will grow, and so will your confidence in Him. No matter what your situation is today, God is in control even if you don’t think so. Remember, you can pray. You can tell others what you are believing God for. You can be honest about the situation – that’s not unbelief, it’s honesty! You can be sure that God is for you. His shield still quenches the darts of opposition, and “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

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