The Psalmist wrote, “some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Why is it that we tend to forget what we should remember? How important it is for the people of God to remember The Name of The Lord our God? Of course you know that to remember His Name means to remember His character. Beloved, my devotional today will be very short, but I trust it will be very edifying.

Throughout the day today, take the time to deliberately remember particular Names or attributes of God, and then allow the truth and the power of those Names or attributes to sink deep into your soul and encourage you. Think about His power. His love. His grace. His mercy. His kindness. His goodness. His gentleness. His forgiveness. His wisdom. Reflect on the glorious I AM’s of Jesus. The Fount of Living Water. The Bread of Life. The Light of the world. The Resurrection. The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Whenever, (not if) your thoughts begin to wander into areas of anxiety or discouragement, ponder a Name or attribute of God. Really, ponder the Name, what it means about Him and what it means for you.

Lord willing, I will write more on this thought of remembering tomorrow. Today, I desire to “set the table” for our next couple of meditations. As the prophet Isaiah tells us in 26.3,4, the pathway to maintaining peace in a fallen world in by keeping our minds stayed upon Him. Beloved, look unto Jesus today and throughout the day. May His Name that is a strong and mighty tower provide you the grace and strength for whatever your day needs. I pray that God would bless each and every one of you reading this in a special way today!