I am convinced that no book can adequately explain the grace of God, much less this article. Yes, Scripture declares the grace of God, but even the Holy Record itself cannot compare with the revelation of grace itself in Jesus Christ. Indeed, all that we possess both spiritually and materially finds its roots in the grace of God.

Oh, what a wonderful God! He is indeed “the God of all grace”. Even in these troubled waters of life, believers have access to the throne of grace for help in time of need. An anchor for marital relationship is the fact that husband and wife are “heirs together of the grace of life”.

The wealth of Scripture that speaks about grace in its variety of operations staggers the human mind. For example, the Spirit that draws one to salvation is called the Spirit of grace. The believer’s heart is to be established with grace. A minister is to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. We are to sing with grace in our hearts, and speak with grace upon our lips. The grace of Jesus is sufficient during any “thorny” trial.

Are you tempted today to be proud of your accomplishments for Christ? Do you look down upon those who do not measure up to your level of maturity? Do you think your zeal, love for Scripture reading, and prayer are the fruit of your good old determination? Wrong! You are what you are by the grace of God, and so is your fellow Christian.

The very heart of our existence echoes the shoutings of Zechariah 4:7 – “Grace, grace.” Thank Jesus that “of His fullness we have received, and grace for grace.” Indeed, the Lord gives grace and glory.