Acts 15.11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

Religion and legalism has great difficulty with the freeness of the grace of the gospel. Inevitably, rules or conditions are made necessary for one to get right with God. Some manmade addition or twist of Scripture is now necessary to be acceptable to God. The cross of Jesus Christ is the funeral of manmade religion, pure and simple. Repeatedly we read about individuals who believed in God, and even had a zeal for God, but were unconverted. Saul (Paul), Cornelius, and Nicodemus to name a few. The 3,000 souls who went to “church” on the day of Pentecost heard the gospel, and were born again, and filled with God’s Spirit.

We must be very careful in presenting the gospel that we do not come up with our version of grace. Grace means free. Unconditional. Unmerited. The grace of God is scandalous and outrages! It defies all that we deem “just and fair.” The grace of God eliminates boasting. The grace of Calvary shatters all sense of pride and “self esteem.” When Legalists were insisting that Gentiles be circumcised and believe in Jesus in order to be saved, the unified message of the church was: We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

It is faith in Who Jesus Christ is and what He did that saves us. Our hearts are purified by faith. Repent and believe is the gospel of grace. Beware of changing the words that Jesus cried from the cross, “It is finished,” into another gospel. May the power, beauty and wonder of God’s grace through Jesus Christ lift your soul to new heights of peace and joy today. You are complete in Him! Believe it. Embrace it. Have a grace-filled day today, beloved.