Despite the opposition from those who reject the truth of the gospel or the contrary circumstances going on in the life of the follower of Jesus, we learn today that in Christ, our lives are the very fragrance of His victory. The Christian life is not an easy one. Following Jesus is rarely a series of soft pillows and ease. Terms like fight, wrestle, and laboring like a farmer are used to describe the normal Christian life. Paul’s life was one struggle after another. Yet he did not walk in defeat or gloom, but in complete confidence in the victory that Jesus Christ obtained for him and gave him by grace, through faith.

Unlike the religious hucksters who were adulterating God’s Word for personal gain, Paul taught the word of God with sincerity and truth. His message and motives were pure. For those who are in Christ, our walk is a fragrance of victory – His victory in us and through us. Our King has conquered the enemy. He has won the battle. His victory is ours!

May the message of our lives and our motives in living for Christ send that same fragrance of sweet surrender to our glorious, victorious King!