In completing our study in Colossians, we are once again going to see the value of every part of the body of Christ. Even though Paul was called and ordained by Christ Himself (Acts 9:1-16), and given spectacular revelations pertaining to the kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 12:1-7), God knew that he was just a man who needed help in ministry. In typical Pauline fashion, Paul records the names of saints who ministered to him in prison and were faithful to the call of God upon their lives (cp. Romans 16:1-24).

Thus we see that the work of God in the local church is not a responsibility to be carried out by the “leadership” or a select few men and women, but is the responsibility of each and every member of the community of saints (1 Corinthians 12:4-6; 1 Peter 4:10,11). If God knew that the gifted apostle Paul needed the prayers and help of a multitude of saints to carry out the work of The Lord, how much more do the pastors, elders, and deacons of Koinonia Fellowship!

May the Spirit of God touch your heart in a special way today to reveal to you the wonderful gifting and abilities, spiritual and natural, that He has placed within you to serve in the body and bring glory to the Name of Jesus Christ.

Like Paul, I thank God this morning for each and every brother and sister who prays, gives, serves, and worships God in Spirit and in truth here at Koinonia. Glory to God for His faithfulness and goodness!