Jesus, The Friend Of Lepers

One day Jesus was in a leper’s house in Bethany. Now, a Pharisee would not be caught dead in a leper’s house because contact with those kinds of people would render him “unclean”. How do you suppose this attitude would effect an “evangelistic” ministry of the...

Did Adam And Eve Live Together?

If any couple were justified in living together, it certainly would have been Adam and Eve. After all, there were no other options. Also, they didn’t know about adultery or fornication because those sins didn’t exist yet. Thirdly, they were in the truest sense ‘made...

Filthy But Forgiven

Zechariah 3:1-5:  And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is...

The Two Adams

To keep a healthy balance in our walk, it is vitally important that we understand our connection with the Adam that fell through sin and the last Adam, Jesus Christ, who rose in victory. All mankind by natural birth is related to the first Adam. However, to become a...

Combating Sin

What is more dangerous than a savage animal? More deadly than cancer? More debilitating than AIDS? The answer – sin! Sin? Yes, sin. Now I know that sin isn’t a common word any longer, even within the church. The word sin has been replaced with other terms such...